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Start your property search
Looking to sell or lease your property?
Raise your expectations. Since Maher Property Group’s inception and during our continuing evolution, we have maintained a fiercely independent approach to real estate transacting and client interaction. We are just proud of our bespoke system and services. Our team of skilled real estate practitioners work in a environment that is conducive to focused and determined client communication. Our staff are fully aware that every transaction and communication we are party to on your behalf affects the security of your current and future financial position, and that we are responsible for the capital which sits within your real estate asset.
Property Management. Packing value into our service.
Maher Property Group offers more than just property management services – we help you improve your rental returns by offering genuine advice which will assist you in capitalising on market trends and fluctuations and we keep abreast of tenant expectations, while also maintaining an up to date knowledge of the legislative obligations for all parties. Our complete property management services cover everything from ensuring the optimum condition of your property, collecting rent and providing a professional, personal service to our landlords. We understand the challenges of being a landlord. After all, real estate is often the single largest investment you will ever make so it is important you have a team of professionals backing you.
Advocacy Service. Make better decisions with professional & experienced industry advice.
When undertaking a negotiation process, it is essential for the participant to be highly-skilled in negotiation techniques and to understand the offer procedures which vary significantly from office to office. With only 58% (May 2022) of New South Wales real estate now selling under the hammer at auction and the remainder selling privately or post auction, an intimate understanding of how a selling process works is paramount to purchase success.
We’re here to help with resources
to help with your real estate journey